The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
John Milton - William Shakespeare - Thiruvalluvar - Homer - T.S.Eliot - William Wordsworth - Thomas Mann - Gustav Flaubert - Leo Tolstoy - Henrik Ibsen - Albet Camus - Franz Kafka - Jean Paul Sartre - Percy Bysche Shelley - John Keats - Charles Dickens - Virgil - John Steinbeck - James Joyce - Ernest Hemingway - William Faulkner - Walt Whitman - Robert Frost - Chinua Achebe - Wole Soyinka - R.K.Narayan - Pablo Neruda - Jaques Derrida - - Ezra Pound - I.A.Richards - William Empson - Wilson Knight - Coleridge - Dante - Albert Camus - Alfred Tennyson - Robert Browning - Rupert Brooke - Seamus Heany - Arundathi Roy - Anita Desai - A.D.Hope - Virginia Woolf - Sri.Aurobindo - Emily Dickinson - Herman Melville - Eugene O'Neill - Arthur Miller - Fileding - Byron - Emerson - Bertolt Brecht - Saul Bellow - Philip Roth - Donald Davie - Cervantes - Sigmunfd Freud - Henri Bergson - Thom Gun - Aldous Huxley - Edwin Muir -William Blake - George Orwell - Mathew Arnold - Margaret Atwood- Allen Tate - Tom Stoppard - Samuel Becket - Dylan Thomas - W.B.Yeats - Volataire - Marcel Proust - H.G.Wells - Evelyn Waugh - Subramanya Bharati - Rabindranath Tagore - Fydor Dostoevsky - Charles Lamb - Francis Bacon - Joseph Addison -
Vol.- 4 No.- I
January, 2008




1. The Formation of Identity in the Simulacrum: A Post-Modern Analysis of
Paul Auster’s Timbuktu 

  Pürnur Uçar
2.Observation into Insight: The Poetry of Carol Frost
  Martin Kich
3.Meaning, Unmeaning & the Poetics Of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E
  Suman Chakraborty

4.To make a bridge from man to man”: Existentialism in Richard Wright’s

The Outsider 
  Benjamin D.Carson
5."Beginner's Luck: Marginal Writers and American Oralities"
  GTimothy Gordon
6.The Use of Prose in the Poetic Plays of Sri Aurobindo
  Usha Mahadevan
7.The Quasi-transcendental as the Condition of Possibility of Linguistics, Philosophy and Ontology - A Review of Derrida’s The Supplement of Copula
  Chung Chin-Yi
8.A Comic Re-Enactment of the Dionysian – Apollonian Conflict: A Study of Eudora Welty’s The Ponder Heart 
9.Poetry Section: Destination Unknown.
  Ganesan Balakrishnan
10.Book Review: Post-Colonial Identity in Wole Soyinka
in Wole Soyinka     body>