The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
Vol -II - No.- II
Jul 2006
1. M.H. Abram’s Orientation of Critical Theories: An Overview
2. Post-Colonial Writing: Trends in English Drama
T.M.Indra Mohan
3. The Use of Interior Monologue Technique in the Select Fiction of La.Sa.Ramamirutham
Ganesan Balakrishnan
4. Learning one’s Language and another’s : A Perspective to Teaching English to Indian Learners.
K.R.Lakshmi Narayanan
5. The Relation of Tamil and Western Literatures

6. The Theme of Quest in W.H.Auden’s Plays


7. Gail Godwin's A Mother and Two Daughters - A Review

Mary Anne Sebastian

8. The Dark Holds No Terrors - An Introduction
