The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
Vol - III - No.- II
July 2007
Vol - 3 : No - II
July, 2007
The Indian Review of World Literature in English
(Published under the auspices of)

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Welcome to the Indian Review of World Literature in English!

Hope you enjoyed reading the articles.

This online journal is published by The Indian Institute of World Literature,  a service organisation established in the year 2004 by some eminent academicians, writers, and discerning readers in Chennai,  capital  of the state Tamil Nadu in India, the spiritual capital of the world.

A bi-annual online literary journal, The Indian Review  of World Literature in English  aims to  create awareness among the general readers, research scholars and students of literature about the many forgotten and lesser-known classics of the world by publishing scholarly articles on various aspects of World literature  at It also hopes to provide a thoroughly modern perspective to the interpretation of the literary masterpieces of the world.

The Indian Review  of World Literature in English is published twice a year: January and July. To Know more about the periodicity, scope and editorial policy of the journal click Call for Papers