The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
John Milton - William Shakespeare - Thiruvalluvar - Homer - T.S.Eliot - William Wordsworth - Thomas Mann - Gustav Flaubert - Leo Tolstoy - Henrik Ibsen - Albet Camus - Franz Kafka - Jean Paul Sartre - Percy Bysche Shelley - John Keats - Charles Dickens - Virgil - John Steinbeck - James Joyce - Ernest Hemingway - William Faulkner - Walt Whitman - Robert Frost - Chinua Achebe - Wole Soyinka - R.K.Narayan - Pablo Neruda - Jaques Derrida - Ezra Pound - I.A.Richards - William Empson - Wilson Knight - Coleridge - Dante - Albert Camus - Alfred Tennyson - Robert Browning - Rupert Brooke - Seamus Heany - Arundathi Roy - Anita Desai - A.D.Hope - Virginia Woolf - Sri.Aurobindo - Emily Dickinson - Herman Melville - Eugene O'Neill - Arthur Miller - Fileding - Byron - Emerson - Bertolt Brecht - Saul Bellow - Philip Roth - Donald Davie - Cervantes - Sigmunfd Freud - Henri Bergson - Thom Gun - Aldous Huxley - Edwin Muir -William Blake - George Orwell - Mathew Arnold - Margaret Atwood- Allen Tate - Tom Stoppard - Samuel Becket - Dylan Thomas - W.B.Yeats - Volataire - Marcel Proust - H.G.Wells - Evelyn Waugh - Subramanya Bharati - Rabindranath Tagore - Fydor Dostoevsky - Charles Lamb - Francis Bacon - Joseph Addison
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Vol - 5 : No - I
January, 2009

Dr. Josephine A. McQuail
Professor of English
5 William L. Jones Box 5053
English Department
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville TN 38505

Dr. Agnieszka Lobodziec, Ph.D.
University of Zielona Gora
Institute of Modern Languages
al. Wojska Polskiego 71 A
65-762 Zielona Gora

Dr. Nita N. Kumar
Reader, Department of English
S P Mukherji College
University of Delhi,
Delhi, India.


Dr. Marlene De La Cruz-Guzmán
Doctoral Student
Ohio University
Department of English Literature
366 Ellis Hall, Athens, OH 45701.

Mr. Gozde Kilic
Senior student
Dept. Of American Culture and Literature
Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Ms. Anna Kate Lewis
203 Kedzie St. #3F
Evanston, IL 60202

Dr. Babacar M'Baye, Ph.D.
Department of English and Department of Pan-African Studies
Kent State University
(Office Address)
113 Satterfield Hall
Kent State University
Kent , OH 44240.

Ms. Linda Chavers
Doctoral Student
African and African-American Studies
Harvard University
Mr. George E. Brooks
Instructor of Writing and Literature
Snow College
International Center & Department of English
150 E 100 N, Ephraim , UT 84627.

Dr. Sathyaraj Venkatesan
Lecturer in English,
Department of Humanities,
National Institute of Technology
Trichy, INDIA.

  Dr. Usha Mahadevan
Reader & Research Supervisor,
DRBCC Hindu College,
Tamil Nadu, India.
  M. Sridevi
Lecturer in English
Velammal Engineering College
Chennai 600066
  Dr. T. Murugavel
Professor of English
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
PO Box 3, Sri Perumbudur 602105, India