The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
John Milton - William Shakespeare - Thiruvalluvar - Homer - T.S.Eliot - William Wordsworth - Thomas Mann - Gustav Flaubert - Leo Tolstoy - Henrik Ibsen - Albet Camus - Franz Kafka - Jean Paul Sartre - Percy Bysche Shelley - John Keats - Charles Dickens - Virgil - John Steinbeck - James Joyce - Ernest Hemingway - William Faulkner - Walt Whitman - Robert Frost - Chinua Achebe - Wole Soyinka - R.K.Narayan - Pablo Neruda - Jaques Derrida - Ezra Pound - I.A.Richards - William Empson - Wilson Knight - Coleridge - Dante - Albert Camus - Alfred Tennyson - Robert Browning - Rupert Brooke - Seamus Heany - Arundathi Roy - Anita Desai - A.D.Hope - Virginia Woolf - Sri.Aurobindo - Emily Dickinson - Herman Melville - Eugene O'Neill - Arthur Miller - Fileding - Byron - Emerson - Bertolt Brecht - Saul Bellow - Philip Roth - Donald Davie - Cervantes - Sigmunfd Freud - Henri Bergson - Thom Gun - Aldous Huxley - Edwin Muir -William Blake - George Orwell - Mathew Arnold - Margaret Atwood- Allen Tate - Tom Stoppard - Samuel Becket - Dylan Thomas - W.B.Yeats - Volataire - Marcel Proust - H.G.Wells - Evelyn Waugh - Subramanya Bharati - Rabindranath Tagore - Fydor Dostoevsky - Charles Lamb - Francis Bacon - Joseph Addison
About us
Call for Papers
Editorial Board
Vol - 5 : No - I
January, 2009
1. Beyond Movie Star Fantasies: The Manipulation of the Hollywood Movies in Adrienne Kennedy's
A Movie Star Has To Star In Black And White
Gozde Kilic
2. Scriptotherapy in Toni Morrison's
The Bluest Eye
and Maya Angelou's
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Josephine A. McQuail
3. Interpreting and Reflecting the White "Other": The Cultural Work of William Wells Brown's
The President's Daughter
Anna Kate Lewis
4. The Spot In The Mirror: The Role of Gender in Richard Wright's
Black Boy
Linda Chavers
5. Alice Walker's
Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart
as a Womanist Novel
Agnieszka Lobodziec
6. Form as a Site of Contest: Yoruba Tragedy turns Revolutionary in Amiri Baraka's
Slave Ship
Nita N. Kumar
7. Pastoral Realist: Complexity And Contradiction In Claude Mckay's Poetry
George Brooks
8. Stereotypes and African Asian Solidarity in Richard Wright's
The Color Curtain
Babacar M'Baye
9. The Color of Consciousness: A Selected Bibliography of African American Studies
Sathyaraj Venkatesan
10. Sri Aurobindo’s Translation of Thirukkural
Usha Mahadevan
11. Theme Of Reconciliation in Anita Desai’s
Where Shall We Go This Summer
- A Study
V. Sridevi
12. Problem Based Learning - A Tool to Teach English and Soft Skills to Students of Engineering
T Murugavel