The Indian Review of World Literature in English
A Bi-Annual Online Literary Journal
ISSN: 0974 - 097X
John Milton - William Shakespeare - Thiruvalluvar - Homer - T.S.Eliot - William Wordsworth - Thomas Mann - Gustav Flaubert - Leo Tolstoy - Henrik Ibsen - Albet Camus - Franz Kafka - Jean Paul Sartre - Percy Bysche Shelley - John Keats - Charles Dickens - Virgil - John Steinbeck - James Joyce - Ernest Hemingway - William Faulkner - Walt Whitman - Robert Frost - Chinua Achebe - Wole Soyinka - R.K.Narayan - Pablo Neruda - Jaques Derrida - - Ezra Pound - I.A.Richards - William Empson - Wilson Knight - Coleridge - Dante - Albert Camus - Alfred Tennyson - Robert Browning - Rupert Brooke - Seamus Heany - Arundathi Roy - Anita Desai - A.D.Hope - Virginia Woolf - Sri.Aurobindo - Emily Dickinson - Herman Melville - Eugene O'Neill - Arthur Miller - Fileding - Byron - Emerson - Bertolt Brecht - Saul Bellow - Philip Roth - Donald Davie - Cervantes - Sigmunfd Freud - Henri Bergson - Thom Gun - Aldous Huxley - Edwin Muir -William Blake - George Orwell - Mathew Arnold - Margaret Atwood- Allen Tate - Tom Stoppard - Samuel Becket - Dylan Thomas - W.B.Yeats - Volataire - Marcel Proust - H.G.Wells - Evelyn Waugh - Subramanya Bharati - Rabindranath Tagore - Fydor Dostoevsky - Charles Lamb - Francis Bacon - Joseph Addison -
Vol - 4 : No - II
July, 2008

1. White Noise: Beyond Baudrillard's Simulacral World

  Haidar Eid
2. Thematic Significance of Indigenous Legal Regime in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart
  Adesina Coker and Oluwole Coker
3. Derrida, Phenomenology and Death
  Chung Chin-Yi

4. Memory and Memoir: Resurrection and Subversion in Sylvia Plath's “Daddy”

  Sheeba Rakesh
5. The Sociology of Roald Dahl's “Mrs Bixby and the Colonel's Coat”
  Amrendra K Sharma & Manju Roy
6. The Genesis of a Genre: Impact of Philosophy and Psychology on Modern Fiction
  Dr. Ganesan Balakrishnan
7. The Poetics of Placelessness: Imagined Spaces Inside Out in Rabindranath Tagore's “The Post Office
  Roxana L. Cazan
8. The Two Faces of an Imperialist Scrooge: Nineteent Century Representations of Exploitative and Utopian English Culture and Management
  Marlene De La Cruz-Guzman
9. Deconstructing the Orthodox: C. P. Aboobacker in Conversation
  Nilanshu Kumar Agarwal
10. Robert Frost's Major Themes – A study
  M.M.Uma Maheswari