The Indian Review of World Literature in English
Vol - 12: No - I
January, 2016


The Indian Review of World Literature in English


A bi-annual online literary journal, The Indian Review of World Literature in English welcomes submission of articles on various aspects of World literature in English. Scholarly articles on individual authors or works are welcome for publication, subject to the evaluation by the editorial team. Published in January and July every year, the articles that appear in this  journal will be published in book form either as collections or monographs.

The Indian Review  of World Literature in English is published twice a year: January and July. The last dates for submission are 31st November and 31st May for the January and July issues, respectively.

Potential contributors are requested to confine themselves to the following areas:

1. British literature since 1945

2. American literature since 1945

3. Twentieth century European authors/works in translation

4. Commonwealth Literature    

5. English Language Teaching

As regards the methodology, the following information will help us and the contributors in carrying out our editorial policy. Manuscripts should not ordinarily exceed ten pages or 5000 words and must conform to the MLA Hand Book 7th Edition in all matters of form. Articles may be sent in MS-Word 2007 format as mail attachment to the email address given below, or the hard copy may be typed/printed on one side of A4 size paper and sent by Courier/Ordinary Mail to the following address:

Email: &


Dr.G.Balakrishnan, Ph.D
Hony. Director
Indian Institute of English Studies
15, Kumaran Nagar, Chennai-92
Tamil Nadu, India

Potential contributors are requested to use the form below to submit the articles; or if you prefer to email your article attach a cover sheet (Word document) with the following details.

Design by Prabu Rajasekaran